Wish #1: We are moving somewhere this weekend and my first wish is to have my apartment all packed up by Thursday so that my husband can start moving stuff on Thursday. The reason why I say somewhere is because my husband has a job opportunity in Kansas and we are really hoping he gets it but it isn't for sure. So if he gets the job we will move our stuff into our storage unit and then I will move in with his parents while he is out figuring our life out there and until I can quit my job. If he doesn't get the job then we will move into our previous town home that we are struggling selling and then figure out where to go from there.
Wish #2: Is the same wish I have for myself every week, work out every day. When I had this as my goal I did much better than when I didn't write goals.
Wish #3: Have a happier attitude about life. Whatever may come our way I will take it with a smile and be happy for what I have been given.
I am struggling a little bit the start this week so I think the is a great start to my goals. I think I will do a check in at the middle of this week to see where I am at. I like being able to have somewhere to hold myself accountable.